New Year’s Resolutions & Singles

New Year’s resolutions are generally goals that people set and commit themselves to accomplish in the coming year ahead. The resolution can be a personal goal, project, or maybe the cessation of a bad habit. While some research has suggested that only 10 or 12 percent of people declaring New Year’s resolutions actually accomplish them, sometimes simply setting the goal can help a person make positive changes in their life.

When it comes to being single on New Year’s Eve, many modern adults find may themselves setting the goal of finding the person of their dreams to be the ultimate accomplishment for the year ahead. New Year’s Eve is a perfect time to make that commitment to find someone special and those singles who make realistic resolutions about dating and relationships are more likely to find who they have been looking for than those who rely on luck alone.

It’s a fact that singles who can set achievable goals are more likely to meet potential mates. Being open to new experiences can expand your relationship options and changing your routine and doing new things to meet new people will only increase your chances of success. It can also help to make your New Year’s resolutions in terms of specific action instead of passive resistance, saying “I will try new things this year” instead of simply capitulating “I won’t do the same old things this year.”

If you have large resolutions, break them down into smaller ones. It is easier to stick to a realistic resolution like “I will join a club to meet new people” than it is to attempt to “Find a new husband in 6 months.” If your resolution is changing a behavior, take it one step at a time and utilize any resources that may be available to you. If you’re single this New Year and looking for ways to improve your life, start with the things that are truly important to you, not what you think others might desire or expect of you. New Year’s resolutions should be a force for positive change instead of a source of disappointment when goals are not met.

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Tobiloba dennis lawal January 24, 2012 at 9:40 pm

Yeah just wanna meet the angel of my life im ds new year and love to be with u my dear pls get back to me thanks